Februar 2011
Oxford City Hall
Autorin, Regisseurin
Ihre Ehe – ein Netz aus Gewalt und Lüge.
Ihre Flucht – ein wahnhafter Irrweg.
Ihr Scheitern – eine unerwartete Chance.
Ein hochdynamisches Ein-Frau-Stück über verzerrte Selbstwahrnehmung im Kontext der Thematik Häuslicher Gewalt.
Was Andere so sagen
Brilliantly written story, which captures your whole attention from the first til the last minute. I loved the clever use of symbolism and representation. Beautiful and convincing performed by the talented Hannah Morrell. You can't make a 30min play any better. I am so glad to have seen that performance.
A beautifully expressive piece of theatre exploring the nature of domestic violence through a fusion of text and movement. Sensitive and yet brutally honest, "Sugarpowder" is not afraid to take you to dark places to experience the frailty and helplessness of a woman imprisoned in an abusive relationship. The performance was deeply evocative and the power of the piece lies in its ability to resonate long after the show had finished. Unmissable physical theatre from the exceptionally talented Doro Frauenlob.
I was pleased to see "Sugar Powder" in Oxford and impressed how sensitive the approach of the theme of "domestic violence" was. The content of the work and the perfect performance: a shiver went through me! Till today I have still thoughts and reminders about the performance and I'm really happy that I could be part of the audience!
(...) a powerful and thought provoking play which left you wanting to know more about the characters predicament at the end. (...) Sugar powder was a strong reminder of a topic so prevalent yet still so common in our developing world (...) For a one man performance written about 3 characters, Sugar Powder was intelligently and imaginatively presented as well as simply, yet effectively staged.